Monday, November 22, 2010

a SomaliA Cruise.. Great Holiday Plan

Begin forwarded message:

Sambo’s “Fire for Effect” Cruise Lines
The ultimate adventure cruise along the pirate-infested Somalia coast
Ultimate Adventure Cruise Route
Rates and Availability
Ship Name
Starting Price
Sun Splendor
Fully Booked
Grand Voyage
Reservations Available
Horizons IV
Reservations Available
Horizons III
Fully Booked
Grand Voyage II
Fully Booked
Grand Voyage III
Reservations Available
Coastal  Paradise
Reservations Available
Coastal  Paradise II
Reservations Available
Peril Princess
Fully Booked
  Peril Princess II
Reservations Available


We board our luxury cruise ships in Djibouti on the Gulf of Aden near the entrance to the Red Sea ,
and disembark in Mombasa Kenya , seven adrenaline-charged days later.
Reservations start at only $5,200 per-person (double occupancy, inside room)
and $6,900 (verandah complete with bench rest).


You'll relax like never before!
That's because you are welcome to bring your own arsenal with you.
If you don't have your own weapons, you can rent them from our onboard
Master Gunsmith , Rick Lewis . Enjoy reloading parties every afternoon,
with skeet and marksmanship competitions every night!

But the best fun of all, of course, is...


...Pirate Target Practice!


The object of our cruise is to sail up and down the Somali Coast waiting to get hijacked by pirates!


Weapons rentals:


Weapon Selection
AK-47 Light Assault
Per Day
On a budget? Rent a full-auto scope-mounted AK-47 for only $9/day
with 7.62 ball ammo at $12 per 100 rounds:
M-16 Full Automatic
Per Day
Rent a full auto M-16 for only $25/day with ammo
attractively priced at $16 per 100 rounds of 5.56 armor-piercing:
Barrett M-107 50 Caliber
Per Day
Hello! Nothing gets a pirate's attention like a Barrett M-107 50-cal
sniper rifle; only $59/day with 25 rounds of armor-piercing ammo
affordably priced at only $29.95.
RPG Launcher
Per Day

Posted via email from andjoh's posterous