Monday, November 15, 2010

The Cork

The Cork





Arab terrorists are in a locker room, taking a shower after their

bomb making class in Melbourne , when one notices the other has a

huge cork stuck in his bum!

If you don't mind my asking said the second,

'That cork looks uncomfortable. Why don't you take it


'I regret I cannot', lamented the first Arab. 'It is

permanently stuck in my bum.'

'I  do not

understand,' said the other.

The first Arab says, 'I

was walking along Russell Street , and tripped over an oil


  There was a puff

of smoke and a huge old man  in an Australian Flag attire, with

a white beard and  Akubra hat came boiling


He  said, 'I am

Captain Aussie, the Genie. I can grant you one


I  said, 'No


God  Bless


Posted via email from andjoh's posterous