Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cure for snoring

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Subject: FW: Cure for snoring


Six blokes go on a hunting trip.
Their tents only have room for two men in each.
No one wanted to sleep in the same tent as BUNDY because he snored so badly.

They decided it wasn't fair for just one of them to share with

Bundy the whole time, so they decided to take turns.
The first bloke to sleep in Bundy's tent comes to breakfast the next
morning with his hair a mess and his eyes bloodshot.
His mates ask, 'Crikey, what happened?'
He answers, "Bundy snored so loudly,

 I just sat up and watched him all night.'

The next night it was a different bloke's turn.
The following morning, same thing, his hair is all standing up and his
eyes are bloodshot.
His mates ask, 'Gees, what happened to you? You look awful!'
He says, 'Bloody Bundy shakes the roof.

 I just sat and watched him all
night, I couldn't sleep.'

The third night was Frank's turn.
Frank was a big, burly, ex-footballer; a man's man.
The next morning he comes to breakfast bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
'Good morning,' he says cheerfully.
His mates can't believe it.
They ask, 'Blimey, what happened?'
Frank says, 'Well, we got ready for bed. I went and tucked Bundy into
bed and kissed him good night.
Then he sat up and watched me all night  

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