4,500 Australians have just been censored
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Four thousand, five hundred Australians have just been censored by the Gillard-Brown regime. I thought I had seen everything. I thought after all the attacks on freedom of speech I have written to you about before, that nothing could surprise me.I was wrong. In a shocking and historically unprecedented suppression of political expression and abuse of democracy, 4,500 Aussies - all opposed to this unnecessary and destructive tax on carbon dioxide - have just been told that they don't count. That their opinions don't matter. That their thoughts are not allowed to be heard. The background: As you will remember, last month, the Joint Select Committee on Australia's Clean Energy Future Legislation asked for submissions about the carbon dioxide tax legislation. They specifically stated that they "encourage submissions to its inquiry from a wide range of individuals and organisations". There were no terms of reference.Although they only gave us one week, four thousand five hundred of us took the time to write to the committee. Four thousand five hundred Australians took the time to read the over 1000 page legislation. Four thousand five hundred Australians wrote in depth submissions detailing the flaws in this proposed legislation.Yesterday we discovered that their work will be surpressed. Will be silenced. Will be censored and stripped from the record without a trace. NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT HAS THIS OCCURED. An Australian Parliamentary Committee has NEVER BEFORE censored submissions to this extent. Nothing has come even close. Ever. There is NO historical precedent for such a mass rejection of submissions.To rub salt into the wound, the Government was more than happy to accept earlier submissions in favour of the tax that were just two sentences saying, for example, " “I am writing to express my support for the government to legislate to put a price on carbon. I urge the government to move ahead with the Carbon Tax.” Yet lengthy, in-depth submissions opposing the tax on carbon dioxide have been rejected and stripped from the record. Julia Gillard and Bob Brown have just officially stuck up their middle finger at us and told us that we don't count.Don't let them get away with it!Contact as many newspapers, TV stations, Radio Channels, Bloggers as you can and spread the word! (There is a good list of media contacts here you can start with) - and don't just email! Phone, fax, and write letters to the editor about! We MUST get the word out! Also, forward this to all your family and friends, share this with your facebook friends by clicking here:
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Do anything you can to spread the word about this disgraceful abuse of democracy and silencing of Australians by the Gillard-Brown Government. There is only ONE reason why the Gillard-Brown Government is trying to silence us: they know that we are right and are scared to engage in debate. Let's not let them get away with it.
Timothy Andrews
Managing Editor
Menzies House
PS: Please spread the word about this disgrace by forwarding this email to all your family and friends, sharing this with your facebook friends by clicking here
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